Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Three coins Mine with your Smart Phone.

Hello and Namaste Friends,
I learned some thing some days ago and today i explain it on my words.I have no more knowledge about Blockchain and cryptocurrency .Still, I am learning about crypto by watching/reading your Vlogs/Blogs.
There are three coins that you can mine on your smart Phones. These all coins are mining based on "Proof of time"(May be Phoneum).All coins mining application are lightweight on device resources,easy interface to use, wont drain the Battery and will not cause any damage for your smart Phones.

These Three coins are:-

1> Electroneum
2> Steemeum
3> Phoneum
1> @Elecroneum
As we all know about electronem and it's apps that how can it work. Electroneum mine with cloud mining on your smart phones.Easy way to sign up by using email,password ,set a pin and verify your KYC. It always give Payment after reach 100 ETN mine.It work smoothly yet.I join it approx one year ago and earn more ETN for free.
Electroneum Web Link :- https://electroneum.com/
2> @Steemeum
Seemeum is also mining on mobile But here you can mine Steem and SBD on it. Here you sign up by using your steemit account's user name and private key.If you don't have steemit account you can't use or sign in steemeum. Now it launch Tester version application where you can join and mine steem & SBD yet.I joined it after 5 days ago and mine 0.294 SBD within 4 days.
Steemeum Web Link:- http://www.steemeum.com/
3> @phoneum
I have no more idea about it,i know only that this is mine on mobile and it launch ICO which end time is after 13 day and 6 hours at my blog writing time.Two gaming application also launch on Play store that names are Crypto Treasures and Cannon Blast.play and mine PHM Coin.
Phoneum Web Link:- https://phoneum.io/#head-slide-6
Here Both game application snapshot.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Use your Electroneum to Top up your phone.

Here some update come from ETN since February 2019.you can recharge your phone using electroneum coin and all you know,this coin is mining easily on your android Mobile phone.Now it started cloud mine that's best for ETN miners.
But you can recharge or top up your Phone only in South Africa and
also only one company product users can recharge his/her phone that company name is "THE UNLIMITED".
would you like use ETN to Top up your phone then Registered your interest like country and Mobile operator.
I belongs to India and i use Mobile operator Airtel.So i submit my interest in India and Airtel.
Now you can also support ETN that next your country and mobile operator will come and Top up your phone free and easily.

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Samsung Blockchain Wallet is coming with Samsung Galexy S10.

According to CoinDesk Korea Report, Samsung has just revealed the Blockchain wallet, It launched on its own Phone "Samsung Galaxy S10". The Cryptocurrency wallet is currently supporting Ethereum and Ethereum Based tokens like ERC20.

At the Launch, The Samsung Blockchain wallet also supports four Dapps:

1> Enjin:- crypto gaming platform.
2> Cosmee:- beauty community.
3> CoinDuck:- merchant payments service.
4> CryptoKitties:- crypto collectibles platform.
But we are shocked that Samsung Blockchain Wallet is not supporting Bitcoin yet.
The wallet app will be download from the Samsung Galaxy Store and it will only availble on Samsung Galaxy S10 phone yet.This is a revolution in Blockchain World.
The Wallet users can be payment by entering the amount then scan the QR code providing the online or offline merchant’s wallet address and at last click "accept" Button Through the CoinDuck dapp . the CoinDuck dapp only supports ETH yet.
The phone officially started shipping from pre-order sales on March 8.
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